Laughter Yoga 歡笑有氧運動 (Video 視頻)
By Christiana Liem, M.Div., BCC
What is Laughter Yoga?
Laughter yoga is an innovative physical technique, which combines unconditional laughter with yogic breathing (deep breathing). It has the perfect blend of playful, empowering and otherwise “tension-releasing” laughter exercises. These exercises are interspersed with gentle breathing and stretching, rhythmic clapping and chanting of Ho..Ho..Ha..Ha..Ha.. in unison. Laughter yoga is the brain-child of an Indian physician, Dr. Madan Kataria and his wife, Madhuri Kataria, a yoga teacher. It began in 1995 with 5 people in Mumbai and now it has spread to 60 different countries with 60,000 laughter clubs.
The Benefits of Laughter Yoga
Creates a sense of joyfulness and uplifts the spirit
Increases the Immune system
Physical/aerobic exercise
“One minute hearty laughter is equal to 10 minutes on the treadmill.” (William F. Fry, M.D.)
Blood/oxygen circulation
Catharsis: free flowing of emotions
Defuses three of the most painful emotions
(fear, anger and boredom) by releasing them.
- 導出歡樂的感受,提升活力
- 抗壓
- 增加免疫力
- 體操/韻律操
- 「一分鐘的開懷大笑相等於10分鐘的踏車運動。」(F. Fry MD)
- 血液/氧氣循環
- 抗老
- 清腸胃:情感奔放
- 消除3種最痛苦的情緒:恐懼、怒氣、厭倦感。
How is it done?
In a laughter yoga session, anybody can laugh without relying on any joke, humor or comedy. Laughter is used as a tool, not an emotion. Laughter yoga begins with simulated laughter exercises and soon laughter becomes real when practiced in a group setting led by a laughter yoga leader.
There are Five Rules in Practicing Laughter Yoga
- No new pain: Please discontinue the exercise if you are feeling discomfort while laughing.
- Fake it until you make it: Just laugh even if you have to fake it and soon laughter becomes real.
- Keep eye contact with one another within the group.
- No jokes, no humor, no words
- Be energetic and follow the leader
- 不會有疼痛感:如果歡笑時你有不適感,請停止操練。
- 笑到你真的笑了:就算你笑不出來也要笑,很快你就會真的笑了。
- 注目對視小組裡的人。
- 不搞笑、不耍幽默、不說話。
Contra-indications to Laughter Yoga
Laughter yoga is not for everyone. It is contra-indicated for people suffering from persistent cough or asthma, flu or cold, eye complications, ruled-out TB, incontinence of urine, uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart disease, epilepsy, hernia, utero-vaginal prolapse, pregnancy, advanced piles, severe backache, major psychiatric disorders, having undergone major surgeries within three months or longer depending on the physician’s advices, and any acute symptoms. Please seek your physician’s advices if you are in doubt.
What Laughter Yoga is NOT
Laughter Yoga is not a miracle cure
Laughter Yoga is not a substitute for medical consultation
Laughter Yoga is not a treatment or therapy
Laughter Yoga is not suitable to everyone
Laughter Yoga is not an entertainment
- 不是奇蹟治病。
- 不是醫學看病的替代品。
- 不是醫療或診治。
- 不適用於每一個人。
- 不是一種娛樂或消遣。
Some Breathing Exercises一些呼吸操
The following breathing exercises should be done in a sitting or standing position.
Synchronized breathing
Initially, put your hand on the belly and focus on your breathing and the movements of your abdominal muscles. Take a gentle deep breath through your nose and hold on for a few seconds. Then exhale it through your mouth by pursing your lips like blowing air. Exhalation is longer than inhalation, so that you can get rid of the residual air in the lungs.
Alternate Cross-breathing
Close the right nostril with the right thumb and breathe gently from the left nostril. Hold on for a few seconds, then exhale it gently by opening your right nostril and close the left nostril. Do it alternately.
Gentle Breathing
Take a gentle deep breath and raise your arms to the height of your shoulders, hold on, and exhale it in three steps by lowering your shoulders gradually.
Just Deep Breathing
Imagine as you’re picking up a flower, take a long deep inhaling smell, and exhale with a joyful long “haaaa haaa haaa.”
想像你是在採一朵花,然後像在聞花香一般長長的吸一口氣,接著以一聲歡樂的 ”haaa haaa haaa” 吐出這口氣。
Some Laughter Exercises
Age Laughter
Imagine how your laughter would sound when you were an infant, a teenager, 5/10/15 years older from your current age.
Body-scan Laughter
Search your body for painful/uncomfortable spots. The closer you get to one, the more you will laugh. When you have found the painful spot, burst out laughing and point it out and show it to others.
Electric Shock Laughter
Imagine that everything you touch gives a shock or static electricity (shaking hands, touching the wall, touching your shoes, etc.). Jump each time it happens. Engage with other people in this laughter.
Fake Laughter
Start with a smile and continue with giggle until you are able to laugh. Fake it until you make it.
Gibberish Talking
Gibberish is a language which has no meaning. It was first introduced by a Sufi mystic from Persia to help people release tension/negative emotions in a safe/non harmful context. In this practice, people talk to one another fast as if they are arguing. It expresses the whole range of human emotions: love, anger, sadness, joy, etc. After awhile participants will burst into laughter.
Greeting Laughter
Greet one another with laughter, instead of words.
Guru Laughter
Put one hand on your head and say: “I learn from my mistakes, ha, ha, ha. Put the other hand on your head and say, “I learn from others’ mistakes, ha, ha, ha.
Hand-washing Laughter
Imagine you have dirty hands and wash them off laughing.
Hearty Laughter
You sit or stand as you do this. Spread your arms (be aware of your limitations), tilt your head back, look to the sky, imagine as this world is all yours, and laugh ….
Hot Soup Laughter
Move your hands up and down as if you have had very hot and spicy soup and say: ha…ha…ha…
Hug Laughter
Hug yourself by putting your arms across your chest, smile and love yourself.
Laughter Game
Imagine that you’ve just received a gift of laughter, then you want to play with it. Use your imagination as how you want to play with it and laugh……
Laughter Orchestra
Create several groups of people into laughter instrument sections and a conductor directs the laughter orchestra.
Lawn mower Laughter
Start the engine in 3 laughs then steer your laugh-powered mower.
Lion Laughter
Stick tongue way out, hands like lion’s paws, roar laughter from belly.
Milkshake Laughter
Hold two imaginary glasses of milk and mix them by saying Aee…Aee, ah…Ha…Ha…
One meter Laughter
Stand with your feet a little apart and take both your hands to the left. Slide one arm over the other and stretch it to the opposite shoulder as in measuring one meter piece of fabric. There are three stages: First, you touch your elbow; second, when you reach the opposite shoulder; finally, when you stretch both arms, push your chin up, open your mouth laugh while looking upwards.
Vowel Movement Laughter
Laugh with HAAAAAAAA haa …haa…haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
HEEEEE he…he…heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
HIIIIIIIIIIII hi….hi… hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
HOOOOOOOO ho…ho…hoooooooooooo
以下述母音發笑:haaaaaa haaa haaaaaaaa, heeeee he he heeeeeeee
hiiiiiiiiiiiii hi hi hiiiiiiiii, hooooooo ho ho hooooo, huuuuuuuu hu hu huuuuuuuu
Windmill Laughter
Start making a small circle with the palm of your hands and gradually make the circle bigger and bigger then reverse the direction to make the circle smaller. As you start making small circle, smile and giggle, and as the circle is becoming bigger, laugh more and more. Use your mind to do the reverse and make your laughter from “big laughter” to “smaller laughter” and to “silence.”
Sit in any comfortable posture and take a long deep breath in and hum it out, actually saying the word “Hummm...” while your upper and lower lips are just touching each other. You feel the vibrations going all over your facial muscles, sinuses and eventually into your head. Before next humming, take a short break and inhale slowly, deeply and gently as if you are inhaling into the entire body, not just into the lungs. Then you may take another deep and gentle breath and humm……